About Us
In view of the dynamic nature of the aviation industry, there is the need for reputable aviation institutions to train personnel in the industry to upgrade their knowledge and skills to meet the ever increasing challenges confronting the aviation industry.
One of the key objectives of both the Transport and Aviation Sector Policy of Ghana is the training and development of human capital.
Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (G.C.A.A) as part of its Corporate Strategy established GATA in 2008 as a center of excellence in Aviation knowledge acquisition. It has the state-of-the-Art facilities and systems to provide viable aviation training in West Africa and beyond.
GATA, using qualified instructors has trained personnel from Liberia, Nigeria, Gambia, Sao Tome etc in Air Traffic Control courses.
It has also trained Aviation Inspectors and other Safety Regulation Personnel in collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), USA, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and The Banjul Accord Group Aviation Safety Oversight Organization (BAGASOO).
GATA is a convenient place to host aviation related Local, International Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Meetings, Fairs etc.
To achieve its status as a center of excellence, GATA has the following corporate statements;
GATA’s mission is to provide the Aviation Industry and beyond with competency-based academic and professional staff development.
The Vision of GATA is to be recognised as a world-class Aviation Training Organisation (A. T. O) that provides competence-based training for academic and professional staff.
GATA’s Values are:
– Customer focus
– Challenge new possibilities
– Collaboration
– People Centered
– Recognition
Website Link to GCAA Training Academy