CHANGE MANAGEMENT: A Key To Competitive And Sustainable Aviation Industry


Just a few decades ago, the top management of airline line business could plan specific strategies and implement them in the course of a few years and not have to worry about having to modify them. The 21st century clearly presents us a totally differ rent picture: markets in permanent change, globalization, changes in government policies, emerging technologies, surging changes in consumer needs, etc. All of the above has to lead to the fact the strategic management has become much more difficult and critical in time, with the corresponding changes companies have had to implement. The objective of this course is to deliver the appropriate knowledge on the process of change management, i.e. how the process and implementation of change management unfold within the airline business. This course is to help you develop a framework for thinking in terms of how to approach a change process, as well as to learn to appreciate the tools and techniques available, understand the contexts and in the final analysis learn how to apply creative solutions to complex situations.

Place Duration Date Range Fees
GATA  3 Days  On Request GHS 1200.00

What you will Learn

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

Conceptual level

Understand why change is both a creative and a rational process

Develop a change strategy focusing on the people side of change.

Work with a simulation to identify key issues, create and implement a change plan

Develop a personalized change leadership development plan.

Obtain coaching on your change leadership style and strategy

Understand the role of diagnostic models

Understand and identify reasons for resistance to change

Understand the organization development (OD) and change management approach to change

Understand how successful communication processes will vary depending on the stage and type of organizational change

Develop an understanding of the Change Acceleration Process(CAP) and the associated tools and techniques

Procedural level

Identify and outline different images of managing and change outcomes.

Outline alternative concepts of change.

Identify a range of common changes that confront organizations such as downsizing, introducing new technologies, and mergers and acquisitions.

Articulate arguments about why not all organizations are affected equally by such pressures.

Outline a range of issues internal to organizations that push them towards change.

Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to the management of resistance to change.

Attitudinal level

Gain an awareness of the interaction between forces for stability and forces for change.

Be familiar with a variety of issues that emerge at the “front line” for those charged with managing the changes.

Appraise your ability to engage with such changes in the future.

Reflect upon your own approach to managing change.

What is Covered

The Meaning and Sources of Change

Types and Degrees of Change

Other ways of classification of Change

Why organizations change

Diagnosing change

Coaching and personalized development plans

Reasons or causes of resistance to change

Reducing Resistance to Change

Possible methods to reduce resistance to change

Implementing change

Change Acceleration Process

1.Planning and Executing Change
2.Creating the shared need for change
3.Developing the Vision
4.Mobilizing Commitment for change
5.Communicating the change
6.Aligning the Infrastructure or Changing Systems and Structure
7.Sustaining Momentum or making change last.

Knowledge Outcomes

Describe in general terms a number of change management theories and how they might apply in practice.

Articulate what change management is and why it is important in the contemporary business environment.

Discriminate between different types of the change process for different purposes and outcomes

Explain how to effectively manage the human aspects of change such as employee engagement in the change process and how to reduce employee resistance to change.

Highlight particular external issues impacting on a businesses’ need to change.

Identify the steps in putting together an effective change management plan.

Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to the analysis and resolution of change problems as presented in case studies.

Target Audience

This course is recommended for Middle/Senior managers, supervisors, human resource managers with some relevant management experience in the civil aviation or airline operations, airport operations, cargo agents, tour operators and freight forwarders

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